Sean Connolly :: Actor & Voice Artist

Sean Connolly :: Actor & Voice Artist

Thursday 19 November 2015

'HOOD' - BBC Audio Drama Awards Nominees for THIRD SUCCESSIVE year!

The complete collection of covers from the 'HOOD' audio adventures produced by Spiteful Puppet.

Exciting news for the fine fellows of SPITEFUL PUPPET and their 'HOOD' series of audio adventures. They have been shortlisted for the THIRD SUCCESSIVE time for the BBC Audio Drama Awards 2016

'HOOD: KING'S COMMAND' is once again competing in the Best On-Line Audio Drama category. Here's the complete list of nominees. Can they match last years WIN in the same category? We'll know the results on JANUARY 31st next year. 

I feel very fortunate to have played BROTHER TUCK throughout the series. Fingers crossed they make the finalist stage for January!