Sean Connolly :: Actor & Voice Artist

Sean Connolly :: Actor & Voice Artist

Monday, 22 May 2017

'The War Doctor' poem 'THE MAN IN THE BANDOLIER' is released. Read by SEAN CONNOLLY with WINK TAYLOR and written by BARNABY EATON-JONES ...


'The Man In The Bandolier' | Written by Barnaby Eaton-Jones | Performed by Sean Connolly | Featuring Wink Taylor as The War Doctor | Sound Design by Iain Meadows.

I am more than delighted to share a little something I've recorded for BARNABY EATON-JONES at CHINBEARD BOOKS ... 'THE MAN IN THE BANDOLIER' was a poem written by Barnaby for the charity 'SEASON'S OF WAR' Doctor Who anthology featuring the late, great JOHN HURT'S portrayal of The War Doctor. This audio version is a thank you to everyone who supported the charitable project ... what better way than to breathe life into Barnaby's words!! 

I narrate the poem with the spectacular DOCTOR WHO IMPRESSIONIST WINK TAYLOR voicing THE WAR DOCTOR ... Check out all of Wink's Doctor Who impressions on his YOU TUBE CHANNEL, they really are quite extraordinarily accurate!!

'SEASONS OF WAR – TALES FROM A TIME WAR' edited by Declan May was initially released as an e-book raising money for the charity CAUDWELL CHILDREN. The e-book raised £8000 for the charity, a limited edition paperback, published by CHINBEARD BOOKS, was also made available to purchase earlier this year. Again, all the money raised from the purchase of the paperback went to Caudwell Children. This limited edition paperback SOLD OUT within days!!

With wonderful SOUND DESIGN by IAIN MEADOWS, it's been a fabulous project to be part of ... LISTEN & ENJOY!!!

“Great men are forged in fire. 'Tis the privilege of lesser men to light the flame.” - The War Doctor.